Monday, January 17, 2011

7 hours adventure! - Part 4 - The End

 The waitress at the McD asssured she has "Cheese burger" which was vegetarian for her, but not for me. When I enquired her about the ingredients I found out it was not vegetarian! I had to settle for French fries. We were laughing thinking of Vijay's "vegetarian" friends who'd been taking this Cheese burger for weeks by then.

Though it was only around 3-3.30 pm it was starting to get pretty dark already. Since we had to return to the cruise at 5 pm, not even a minute late, we decided to move towards the nearest Tunnelbana. That was when Vijay gave that idea (which could've cost us dearly). He suggested we visit his university which was "just on our way" to the port. We hesitated but decided to give a try. What is life without adventure!

His university was pretty good and we got busy clicking some photographs in front of everything that was visible there. Even the closed doors and fallen bicycles.

Minutes ticked away so fast that by the time we realized we were getting late, we were well behind our schedule. As we were accustomed to running in dense snow, which has been our "most favorite mode of transport" since our departure from my house @ Helsinki, we started sprinting towards nearest the Tunnelbana again.

Murphy's law got proved once again. If something has to go wrong, it will. And it did. Unusually, the metro train in our route got delayed. Though it was only by few minutes, those final moments were precious for us. I was a bit optimistic when we were in a similar situation only a day ago, but this time I was perspiring. It was a diffferent country, different situation.

When we ran just like Jack of Titanic, once again, rushed in to our cabin, took a sip of Redbull and witnessed the slow departure of the vessel from the port, we still couldn't believe how we made it. Vijay was so kind he ran along with us all the way from the metro station under the earth till the boarding point. This trip was so tiring and adventurous that I was so sleepy on the last lap to my house from Helsinki port.

Though I could see very little of Stockholm, Sweden, these few hours will remain in my memory as solid as the rocky ice of that December Scandinavian sea, until old age like summer melts and takes it away from me drop by drop.

-The End-


1 comment:

  1. Nicely Narrated..... good that we have these memories in words now .....

    It was an amazing 7 hours ...
    - vj
